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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Is the Acai Berry Diet Effective For Weight Loss?

Everywhere you turn there seems to be an ad for the acai berry diet. Lose pounds and inches. Flush away toxins. Join Oprah and lose weight with the plan. Rachel Ray says it is the ultimate way to get skinny. But is it the miracle diet plan? Is the supplement truly effective for weight loss? And didn't Oprah recently admit to weighing quit a bit more than she wanted to?

I decided to check into the claims and try it out. I learned that the acai berry has greater nutritional benefits than almost any other food out there. It is considered by many including Dr. Perricone to be the number 1 super food. My experiences resulted in increased energy, weight loss, and an overall feeling of increased health. My cravings have been reduced..

But no matter how nutrient packed the acai berry is, it should be used as a tool to help support weight loss efforts not as an end in itself. It does not replace eating right and exercising. You can't swill beer, stuff down 2 pints of Chunky Monkey ice cream, take acai berry and expect to lose weight. You still need to think about what you eat and make good choices. You need to fit in exercise, drink plenty of water and keep stress levels low.

Acai berry helps with weight loss by delivering optimal nutrition to your body. Because this berry is so packed with phytonutrients and antioxidents, it delivers the support your body needs to help supply energy and relleve you of the toxins you have so you can lose weight easier. It is supplying your body with nutritional support. It does help cut cravings in many. It helps cleanse the body so bloating, water retention and constipation are eliminated or greatly reduced. Used as a supplement to a healthy diet and exercise program, the acai berry can greatly increase your chances of success. It makes it easier to make healthy choices.

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