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Saturday, October 5, 2013

Best Weight Loss Supplement For Women - Lose 5-8 Pounds in Less Than 2 Weeks For Only $13

Here's the best weight loss supplement for women. Before I get to it, you should expect to lose at least 5 pounds in 2 weeks using this supplement twice a day. It costs $13 and if you're trying to guess what it is... STOP. It's not a traditional weight loss supplement.

The Best Weight Loss Supplement for Women is...

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil.

It's worked on hundreds and hundreds of my clients... as well as myself. It works for people who are severely overweight and people who are 5-10 pounds overweight. The proper way to take this supplement is to use it between meals. The ideal times to use it are about 90 minutes after breakfast and 90 minutes after lunch. So you take it twice a day.

Take ONLY 1 tablespoon each time you use it.

Get the jar where it's in solid form. Also, make sure the label says "extra virgin" or "cold pressed" on it. If it doesn't, don't buy it. It's not pure.

What you'll want to do to liquify the solid form of the EV coconut oil is to plug up a sink with hot water and let it sit in there for 3-5 minutes. Scoop out your 1 tablespoon after its a liquid and swallow it. I DON'T recommend that you use a microwave to liquify this. In fact, I don't recommend using a microwave EVER. It destroys the nutritional content of whatever it is you are heating up!

Anyway, if you're looking for an easy way to lose at least 5 pounds in 2 weeks, I urge you to try EV coconut oil and treat it like a cheap 2 week experiment. I'd guess around 80% of my clients lose weight using it.

In my opinion, EV coconut oil is the best weight loss supplement for women to use.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Programs For Women

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Programs For Women

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