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Monday, October 14, 2013

Fun is the Best Weight Loss Exercise

Exercise is necessary to burn the energy from your food and stored fat for the best weight loss results. Enjoy the process, have fun. If you aren't a gym person or runner think about what you do like. Do you like to go out? Do you like to compete? Do you like to be alone or to work out with a friend? After you answer these questions find things that are fun and work with you. Go dancing (no drinking, this will put pounds on not off), play games, golf, tennis, swim, ride bikes, skip rope (this is a great workout), get a re-bounder and bounce the pounds off. Do you like video games, Wii fit is a fun way to workout, so is DDR(dance dance revolution), get some yoga and pilates workouts to do at home, but make sure it is fun, this will make it something you look forward to and a good motivator.

The reason you need to this is to increase your metabolism. Have your metabolism running as quickly as possible. Improving the speed of your metabolism is done with regular physical exercise, and not missing meals or following a low calorie diet. Because of this, the best way to lose weight is not by starving ourselves, but rather by putting an end to mindless eating, Brian Wansink says in his latest book, Stop Mindless Eating: why we eat more than we think. Doctors and scientists have developed diet pills and programs, the best ones, include natural ingredients, food and exercise.

Think about how healthy and fit you will be. What is your perfect body image? How will you feel when you can fit into those jeans or bathing suit? When you can do those stairs without losing your breathe? Use these images to motivate yourself, to help you stay with your plan and never say die, you can when you try.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast With Pills

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