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Monday, November 11, 2013

Gradual Weight Loss - The Key to Losing Weight for Good

Are you in a terrible hurry to lose weight fast before an important event? It is only natural to want to look your best in front of friends and family and to be able to fit into attractive clothes. However, your hurry to slim down can actually get in the way of your weight loss. The main reason for this is because your body will actually resist losing weight. In addition, you will be under a lot of stress to lose weight which can hamper your weight loss efforts.

Most people who want to lose weight fast reduce their calorie intake drastically in order to force the body to burn its fat reserves. What the body actually does is to retain fat and metabolize muscle instead since it is programmed to do so since in the face of impending famine. This results in loss of muscle tone and will also result in instant weight gain once the diet is over.

The best way to achieve lasting weight loss is to try to shed pounds gradually. Small reductions in calorie intake will not cause the body a great deal of stress and it is possible to lose around 100 grams of fat a day with the right diet. Juice fasting is a great alternative to a crash diet since it provides the body with lots of moisture as well as vitamins and antioxidants that keep the body functioning properly while fat is metabolized.

You should also get regular exercise in addition to following a healthy diet that is lower in calories than usual. Exercise will keep your metabolism at a higher rate which will help you burn more calories than usual. The right kind of exercise will also help you burn calories when you are resting.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Heart Rate and Weight Loss - How Many Beats Does it Take to Shed Body Fat?

If done correctly, exercise can play a very important role in weight loss. Our heart rate acts as a gauge that tells us whether or not we are exercising in such a way as to lose weight.

Our heart rate goes up significantly when we perform strenuous exercise, and this is an indication that our bodies are being taxed and that there is some kind of change going on inside of us.

Whether performing aerobic or anaerobic activity, your goal should be to increase your heart rate to the ideal level. This is more difficult to do when lifting weights than it is to do when exercising aerobically, but it can definitely be done by using the proper weightlifting techniques.

By getting your heart rate up to the ideal level, you guarantee that you are working out at the intensity required to burn the maximal amount fat off of your body.

On the other hand, if your heart rate during exercise is less than or more than the ideal rate, this is counterproductive, and you probably will not lose any weight at all.

The ideal heart rate is 125-150 heartbeats per minute. This is the range that you should maintain when doing cardiovascular exercise.

You definitely should not try to exceed this range, because doing so will not allow you to obtain greater benefit from your workouts as far as fat loss is concerned. Likewise, if your heart rate is not raised into this ideal range, you will not be burning much fat during your workout.

How Far Does Detoxing Really Help in Weight Loss?

Almost all the diets that throng the market claim that they are very easy to follow and will give the followers a great weight reduction. But every detox diet needs that the person who wants to detox will have to give up the regular food stuffs he is eating and follow a strict dietary code. The entire process sounds very easy when one hears or reads about the diet plan and schedule but when they really start off on the plan they find it absolutely difficult to continue for long. They experience a certain state where they want to leave everything and go back on to their regular diet. Hence, every detox diet needs a lot of will and determination from the person's side to reap the benefits that it has in store.

There are numerous diets which will help in detoxing and it is the person's prerogative to choose the one which he would wish to follow. One can detox by just eating fruits or by drinking only juices. As far as fruits are concerned one can take apricots and prunes which will help in the fat burning process and further aid in flushing out the toxic substances that got accumulated in the system.

Another important way to detox and lose weight is through increasing the quantity of the intake of fiber content in your diet. Consuming more fiber rich products will make you feel full for a longer time and you will not experience hunger too. And at the same time the soluble and insoluble fibers will contribute greatly for the fat burning too.

Green tea is found to be another amazing part of the diet which will give great detox results. With its antioxidant properties the green tea helps to stimulate the metabolism and facilitate the calorie burning and thereby reduce the weight to a certain extent. One can also speed up the weight loss by drinking a lot of purified water during the day as water has the capacity to flush out the toxic substances that are accumulated in the body in the form of sweat and urine. Intake of more water will also help in cleansing the skin and brings about a new glow on the face.

Detox with care to enjoy the positive weight loss effects but if it is clubbed with exercise, the results are long lasting.

For More Related Topics Blog: Medical Weightloss Center

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Exercise Routines That Maximizes Weight Loss

Ever notice how people at the gym tend to head straight for the treadmills and other cardio machines in order to lose weight? They walk and walk and even run forever and never reach their final destination. Well, I'm going to give you a real exercise routine that achieves your goals and in a lot less time. But, first let's understand what we are trying to achieve.

To lose a single pound of fat you must expend 3,500 calories of energy. This is a pretty daunting task when you consider that the average person only burns 2,000 calories in an average day and that most of us are more than one pound overweight. Cardio exercises are alright for losing weight if you want to do it very slowly. If I spend an hour on the Stairmaster I'm only burning about 500 calories. This means that if I want to lose a single pound of fat I've got about 6 more hours walking upstairs to nowhere.

Fortunately there is a significantly better way to maximize weight loss and it is lifting weights. Yes, in a half hour of doing cardio exercises you will lose more than a half hour of lifting weights. But, the benefits of lifting weights are broader reaching. You see, muscle actually burns fat because it weighs more and causes the body to work harder throughout the day.

But, if you do multi joint exercises that work numerous muscle groups at once you will actually exert such effort that your body goes into a metabolic shock and burns calories at a higher rate for days on end.

The exercises you need to do are: bench press, dead lift, clean and jerk, pull ups, chin ups, squats and others.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

Follow These DON'Ts to Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

1. Do not buy more food than what we need. Be conscious especially when we are doing our grocery shopping.

2. Do not store junk food, potato chips, chocolates, cake, sweets or ice cream on our pantry and fridge.

3. Do not go for alcoholic drinks

4. Do no let weather affect your food intake especially winter. Make yourself a hot soup, it makes a great winter warmer.

5. Do not have heavy meals - split it to 5-6 small meals to keep you feeling full all day.

6. Do not take dinner after 7.30pm. You may have some fruits or salad if you are starving.

7. Do not take hamburger instead sandwich.

8. Do not manage our emotions with food. When you are feeling down, you can to talk to your friend, go out for a walk, or do something that you like (playing game, listening music). Do not get yourself trapped on emotional eating, overcome the mental barriers so that you able to achieve your weight loss goal.

9. Don't forget the fibers in your food. They help you chewing healthy and therefore optimize your eating pace. Moreover, they stay longer in your stomach and let your blood sugar increase only slowly.

Bearing in mind, Do Not take Weight Loss too far, inappropriate eating habit will lead to negative outcomes and can even be life threatening. A correct way of weight loss should make us healthier and happier.

Moreover, of course Do Not let any excuses slip your weight lose plan.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Programs Women

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Weight Loss Technique Video

For More Related Topics Blog: Best Diet To Lose Weight Fast

Fat Burning Exercise - What You Need to Know For Permanent Weight Loss

Fat burning exercise is one of the two essential elements you must address, if you after fat loss and permanent weight loss. The other is nutrition and diet. Of the two, exercise has the greater impact. But both must be addressed.

Fat Burning Exercise and Your Metabolism

To burn excessive fat on your body, you must increase your metabolism. You can only increase your metabolism through exercise. When you increase your metabolism, you burn the food that you have recently consumed more quickly and then begin to burn the fat on your body for energy. With a higher metabolic rate, you wont only burn fat at the time you are exercising. You will also burn more fat throughout the day. This is called "The Thermogenic Effect of Exercise".

Fat Burning Exercise and Achieving The Thermogenic Effect

The effectiveness of your exercise program in increasing your metabolic rate, and therefore the rate you burn fat, is dependent on the following factors

For More Related Topics Blog: Exercise Diet Weight Loss